Featured Card Deck
Angel Tarot Cards
By Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Hay House
Reading by Patricia Herlevi
Today I'm reading from Doreen Virtue/Radleigh Valentine's Angel Tarot cards. And again, I'm reading the cards as an entire energy but feel free to use the first card for the first part of the week, the second card for the middle of the week and the final card for the weekend, if that feels right for you.
Right off we're starting off with a Major Arcana or "power" card so the message of this card trumps the two Minor Arcana cards that appear in the reading. Archangel Zadkiel and Balance brings us the message of moderation.
I have a strong image of a person (a woman) who has been looking for employment for a long time and she is invited to lunch by an employer who plans on interviewing her at the lunch. This woman doesn't realize that ordering an alcoholic drink or not using discretion will lose her the job. This would be a mistake since she is currently the top candidate for this position.
I also see an image of a man who is nervous and going on a first date after a long dry spell. He's incredibly attracted to the woman, but has a problem with drinking to mask his nervousness. Alcohol he believes gives him confidence and makes him more charming. Big mistake because the woman he's about to date frowns on men who drink. But how can this man know this bit of information since most people around him drink, party, and live the local brewery lifestyle? In fact, the media promotes this lifestyle and economies thrive on it, but taking this particular date to that scene is not going to win this man any points. Try a movie and a walk in the park instead. Get to know the woman you're dating when you're sober and then you'll find you don't require any type of mask to be in a relationship with her.
For those of you starting a new relationship or looking for one as well as, those of you looking for employment or starting a new job, refrain from the alcohol and other intoxicants. The significant other will not think highly of your escape routes and the employer is more savvy than you think, even checking you out on social media. Now, this message I'm told is only for a minority of people who will read this message at some point, not just this week.
For other people reading this message it's about practicing moderation around work, play, family verses work, food, and other areas of your life. You'll know which part of your life is out of balance and how to fix it if you pay attention and tune into your heart's wisdom. I see someone also spending too much money on luxuries and not enough time with loved ones where the real treasures lie.
Here are the cards:
Archangel Zadkiel/Balance--This card is equivalent to the Temperance card of the Tarot deck and the Zodiac correspondent I believe is Sagittarius. It is also known for moderation including food, drink, and everything else we find desirable, fun, or offers an escape from the mundane.
As I mentioned earlier, this card also refers to over consumption of alcohol mainly or drinking under the wrong circumstances. For example if an employer asks you out to lunch for an interview, refrain from ordering anything alcoholic. Act frugal in what you eat and drink and use discernment or you won't land the job. Don't let your guard down completely since interviews are used as stress and personality tests and not a friendly time to chat or let it all hang out. Someone out there requires this message.
Ace of Water--Here the card is coming up as an invitation to a new relationship. Since it's an Ace card you have not met this person yet or just met him or her and usually at a social gathering, but not always. As you fall in love, remember to use your spiritual tools of discernment and compassion. Listen rather than do all the talking and listen between the lines as well as, listen to your heart. Be honest and act authentic and this situation could develop into a meaningful and heartfelt partnership. Water represents emotions and since it comes up with the Balance card balance your emotions and detach or see your situation as a journey or adventure. You don't know the destination yet.
Ace of Earth--When practicing moderation, all things are possible such as lucrative contracts coming in, more clients, and anyone starting a business during this week will do quite well for themselves if they keep everything, including spending in balance. You are planting a seed now and make sure you do this in fertile soil that you have tilled with your passion and hard work. If this card refers to manifestation then till your soil with positive affirmations and positive beliefs.
There are no guarantees in life, but practice moderation in all your endeavors and success is more likely than failure. If you do fail, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and try a new approach.
I give oracle card reads every Thursday in Bellingham, Washington. If you'll be in town that day or live in the area, schedule an appointment with me on the form on this blog. All in-person payments are in cash and I charge $20 per 15 minutes.
I am also open to your questions which I can include as a Universal weekly reading on this blog. Please use the contact form to send me your questions