Featured Card Deck
Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
by Doreen Virtue
Reading by Patricia Herlevi
I swear that I shuffled the deck, but we have two returning cards this week. We had the faith card in last week's reading, but the guides are telling us to continue to have faith as the week progresses. As I am writing this, these cards apply to me too. My landlord recently gave me notice to vacate an apartment that will no longer be on the housing market. This took place on the anniversary of when I gave up an apartment last year and was out of a home for three and half months. So I also am taking the messages of the cards as a personal one.
I suggests we play the game, "wonder if" instead of the usual "what if". Let's treat our current life circumstances as an adventure and like an adventure hero or heroine, we don't know what lies beyond the next corner and we are the ones who shape our reality or at least how we choose to perceive it. I'm reminded of that Italian movie, Life is Beautiful which took place during Hitler's reign and involved a Jewish man and his small son who ended up in a concentration camp and the father did his best to make life fun for his son. While we won't end up in such dire situations this week as the characters in the movie, the cards this week are telling us to change our perception. Granted, I hope we don't end up sobbing like I did when I watched that movie, but if we do, tears are cleansing.
Make a Wish comes up for the beginning of the week so no matter what your circumstances are, make a wish and know that you can manifest your desires. Remember that there are 7+ billion realities on the planet and you get to live out your own reality. You are the director and performer in your life movie. So what's it going to be for you? What words will you speak this week? Do you know that words contain vibrations which represent the tool of a creator? Once you make a wish make sure that your words, actions, and feelings match that wish. You have the power to change your life circumstances so use that power wisely.
Helpful Person comes up for the middle to the end of the week. This person can come to you out of the blue as an answer to a prayer, or through social media (which is most likely). Or you could pick up a magazine or other type of publication and read about an organization that specializes in your problem or concern. It's up to you to initiate contact. Ditto, if you are inspired to take a specific action follow through. I did that in recent months and now I have a literary agent representing one of my books and a business mentor that I work with who has helped me to follow through on my dreams. Helpful people can show up from anywhere at anytime. You're never alone. Ever.
Have Faith comes up for the weekend. You planted the seeds and followed through with inspired action. Helpful people have come on board and now you surrender to a higher consciousness. Have faith that its all working out for you and so it is. I also hear, have patience because pieces must be put in place before you can complete the puzzle. I also see two men playing a game of dominoes so the domino effect is at play here. I'm thinking of a story that a local musician shared the other day about how he was busking at a public market and needed to come up with rent money. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but then a miracle took place and people showed up out of the blue and donated more than enough money for the musician to cover his rent. This is the type of miracle you can expect this week. Have faith.
I give in-person card readings in Bellingham, Washington. To schedule a reading sign up on the blog form. Your patronage will assist me with moving costs at the end of this month so I hope you sign up for a reading and help both of us. Also check out my site Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living and check out my other services.
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