Saturday, June 27, 2015

Reading for Week Beginning June 29, 2015

Featured Deck
Indigo Angels
By Doreen & Charles Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi

The overall theme I am hearing for this week is to spend time with friends who uplift us because this also boosts our health and vitality. I'm thinking of a French movie I adore by Eric Rohmer called "The Green Ray" (English translation of the title), where the protagonist Delphine goes on a quest to find someone to take a holiday with her, but really what she's looking for is a new man to come into her life. Although people offer friendship to her, she chooses drama and self-pity, until she finally manifests a potential partner at the movie's conclusion, but even then, she's kind of gloomy.

This week with the Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and opposing the Sun and Mars, there will be a tendency or a temptation to join a pity party. Refrain from doing this and take a wide-angle view of your life and look at who is offering you friendship. After all, research studies claim that having human companionship leads to a longer and healthier life since loneliness causes inflammation and other health conditions. Friendship releases certain feel-good chemicals in the brain which affect the entire body and our sense of well-being.

So let's take a look at the cards:

Instead of reading the cards in a linear fashion, I'm going to string the energies together into one larger theme which is health and friendship.  Friendship comes up first in the reading and in fact this card fell out of the deck with the other two cards, face up. What I like about the card is that it features two women from different races thus reflecting on diversity. This tells me two things. One, like-minded people come in all colors and cultures and two, to spread the net out further, even on social media to find friends or people who you relate to which develops into friendship.

So often we judge other people by their religious or political affiliations and don't look beyond those attributes to the real person underneath. The saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover" applies here as does looking beyond labels. Someone could be conservative politically, but share a love of the arts or animals with you. You could have experienced similar childhoods or bond over a current passion or interest. And if you do find yourself in a diverse friendship, don't force your values on the other person or try to control them so that you feel safer. We all do this, but let's become mindful so we can change this behavior. Tell yourself that you are safe and also if you are strong in your values and beliefs then you would also feel secure enough not to allow other people's values to threaten you.

You Are Loved comes up next in the reading. Look around to see who is offering you friendship. This involves moving past your ego and its interpretation of friendship. Just because someone doesn't fit your ideal friend doesn't mean that he or she isn't a friend. Are you discounting someone because you have a grander ideal of what friendship looks like? Or do you feel undeserving of other people's kindness so you build a wall around yourself that keeps potential friendship or relationships out? And some friendships aren't as glamorous as the Hollywood versions, (they are less dramatic and more subtle). If you feel you're undeserving of friendship then find a coach or therapist to work with on this issue or check out self-help books on developing self-love.

The final card is Health and here we have an angel holding scales--a Libra reference. I'm guessing this is Archangel Raguel who represents harmony, balance, and justice. So overall, these cards suggests that we create balance in every area of our lives this week leading to better health. We take a look at how we block friendship from our lives. I watched Louise Hay's 1988 video on increasing prosperity in our lives and she talks about the various areas we could become impoverished including love and friendship. We could have a great job, lots of money in the bank, but if we don't have intimate relationships (not just romantic relationships), then we are impoverished in friendship. In the same video, Louise also mentions that there are billions of people on the planet so how is it that we are alone?

This week look around and see what type of friendships are on the offering. Check out people on social media by visiting their profiles and learning about who they are and noticing what you have in common. Strike up a conversation with someone on the bus, at a park, or at work (if you work outside of the home), and know that you are safe so you can let your defenses down this week. Also write out a list of your beliefs and values then take an honest look at them. Are those really your beliefs? Are they worth fighting for and pulling out defense mechanisms that just leave you feeling alone and on the edge. And finally, work on getting over the belief that you are so different that only one person in the world (a twin flame type) will understand you so in the meantime you shut everyone out. That's not what the Earth Walk is about. Reach out to someone and you'll be surprised where it leads. You aren't as strange as you imagine and someone nearby wants to love you, if only you would knock the wall down and fill in the mote.

Follow this blog and tell your friends. I give personal readings in Bellingham, Washington. If you would like me to address a certain area send me a question either as a comment or through the contact form on the right side of the blog. Thank you for your visits and have a blessed week.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Enchanted Animal--Magical Wondrous Raven

The other day when I visited the South Hill neighborhood in Bellingham to take photos of historic houses, a raven began following me. I took a few photos, but only three turned out. The raven called out to me, which is magic calling out and the raven also represents the solstice along with crow. So I'm sharing the raven magic with you here.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Oracle Card Reading for Week Beginning June 22, 2015

Archangel Oracle Cards
By Doreen Virtue
Reading by Patricia Herlevi

The overall energy I'm picking up is that we muster the courage to gaze deeply at the unworkable patterns and beliefs playing out below the radar in our lives. Archangel Ariel represents courage and also spending time in nature which comes up with the second half of this reading. Now, you can choose to view this reading as beginning of the week, middle of the week, and end of the week or as an overall theme for the entire week and weeks ahead depending on how strongly you resonate with the cards energy.

Archangel Ariel (Courage) comes up first and she is the lion or lioness heart in each of us. She is the one that brings us strength and courage, plus knowing when to act. She also represents the nature spirits so we find our strength aligning with Gaia or Mother Nature. And it takes courage to act as a spiritual warrior on the planet at this time. Remember we all have fear but it's how we deal with that fear that brings out the hero in us.

Archangel Jeremiel (Life Review) comes up for midweek if you choose to read the cards in a linear fashion. But combined with the courage card, I interpret this energy as mustering the courage to face our shadows and take responsibility for the choices we make. It's about taking a hard look at ourselves, both our beauty and our warts and see how we can improve upon our actions, beliefs, and commitments. It's a card also about what we truly value and aligning with those values. We are fortunate that we don't have to wait until death to go through this review and we can adjust and change so that we align with our true life purpose now.

Archangel Metatron (Prioritize) comes up for the final card and is a culmination of the last two cards in that now that we have delved into our subconscious, explored our shadows, and released outdated beliefs and patterns, we prioritize what's important and simplify our lives. We forgive to release old baggage and we start anew. And it is no coincidence that this reading comes up during the Solstice weekend because we are beginning a new season and a new planetary cycle with the Sun moving into Cancer this week along with Mars moving into Cancer. In fact, once we do this inner work, we see plenty of movement and growth occurring in the outer world. Get ready for some action on the home front.

Normally, I only read three cards, but five jumped out of the deck. The extra cards are Archangel Jophiel (Outdoors) and Archangel Gabriel (Nurturing) which tell me right away that getting out in nature whether that's working in a garden or visiting a park, or going for a hike, nurtures our inner child thus bringing us greater health and well-being. When the Sun moves into Cancer we will look at ways to nurture ourselves and I believe that natural remedies, flower essences, essential oils, sound therapy, and spending time in natural vibrations holds the key to good health.

Drink plenty of water, hang out near a body of water, and visualize waterfalls purifying and rejuvenating your body. Visualize the earth embracing you as if you are a child held by your cosmic mother. The earth supports us in ways we often take for granted, but this week especially with the Solstice launching the week, do a ceremony or ritual honoring the earth and her cycles.

If you're in Bellingham this Thursday or any Thursday, from 2 to 3 p.m. schedule an in-person oracle card reading on the form on the right side of the blog. Happy Solstice.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wide Open Channel This Summer

photo by Patricia Herlevi
Due to the current astrological transits and my upcoming Solar Return, this summer, I'm wide open as a spiritual channel. Come and get a reading or intuitive coaching session with me and the advice I give you will transform your life if you allow transformation to occur.

For the price of 3 or 4 designer coffee drinks, you could glean self-understanding that will change the course of your life and lead you to your true purpose on the planet. Do you have a dream but lack the next best step? Do you have a project idea but lack the faith to pull it off? Or do you require a brainstorming session? If nothing stood in your way, how would you live your life? What do you hope to leave behind as a legacy?

I'm giving in-person sample oracle card reads which are mini-coaching sessions every Thursday, from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Book Fare Cafe in Bellingham, Washington. Schedule a 15 or 30 minute appointment and change your life this summer. Take that next step and I'll be there to support you.

Sign up on the form on the side of the blog.

I look forward to leading you on a path of self-exploration.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Enchanted Animals--Squirrels

Although gray squirrels are common where I live, when I see them doing something out of character or unusual, I know that they are communicating to me on a totem level. Squirrels represent curiosity, play, storing food or supplies for the future, and efficiency. Favorite food is acorns which of course comes from the mighty oak tree known for strength and resiliency.

Photo by Patricia Herlevi

photo by Patricia Herlevi 

photo by Patricia Herlevi

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Oracle Reading for Week Beginning June 15, 2015

This Week Featuring
Energy Oracle cards
By Sandra Anne Taylor

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

Interesting that all the numbers for the cards represent sacred geometry for this week's reading which tells me to pay attention. The image I'm receiving for the whole reading is someone either buying or renting a new home. However, though a contract or lease is in the works, the cards are telling us to explore options. Sometimes we have our eyes set on one particular home but it might not be the right home.

Therefore, tune into intuition and gaze deeply at circumstances around that particular home. How is the universe responding? Are you running into stop signs and obstacles along the way? Does something not feel right in your heart or gut, but your head clings to lack and limitations or you have grown tired of looking at houses? This could very well be the right home for you or there could be something better just around the corner. Explore your options.

Also you might have a choice between two homes but one requires renovation even though it has a lower price tag and might be in a better neighborhood. Do the legwork and get the estimates from contractors. Also Mercury has just gone direct so you might not have all the information you require at this time and with Saturn which rules structure going back into Scorpio in June, you might wish to do some investigation, not only with the homes themselves (check for mold, radon, etc), but also research the bank, lenders, and loans since Saturn and Scorpio rule banks and finances.

If this reading doesn't refer to homes, than it could apply to new jobs, following a spiritual path, or leaving a stable situation for something new. So what I have said about homes could also be interpreted to suit your current situation which does involve making a choice of some kind and stepping out into the greater world.

Contract, #6 represents the first part of the week (Monday, Tuesday). This card represents a contract of some kind which could be a lease, a mortgage, a marriage contract, or a job contract. For writers or artists this could represent a contract with a management company or agent. As always read the fine print to see what you're getting into before signing on. Though I think this is a positive card which leads to a change of lifestyle of one kind or another. This could also represent a college grad signing on to an internship or first real job. Or this could represent a college grad signing a new lease to a rental or buying a first home.

The Garden and the Gate, #30--This card symbolizes a good and comfortable life that could also feel cloying and boring. Here the girl stands at the gate with a wistful look on her face. The key to the gate hangs around her neck, but perhaps her sense of lack and limitations holds her back. This could refer to leaving a cushy job, a loveless marriage, or a comfortable home. However, the opportunities that come from stepping through the gate into the unknown might hold more promise.

You can read this card for the middle of the week or as a whole reading. It has different meaning for different people. But it does come down to facing fears and moving forward on a new life journey.

Adjacent Opportunities, #24--Ends the week and includes the weekend. This card suggests that if you can wait a few days before signing a contract something new will come over the horizon that is a better option than the original one. So that house that you weren't 100 percent on board with even though you fooled yourself into thinking you were is eclipsed by a better offer. Perhaps a house that had previously not been on the market becomes available over the weekend. Or a home that you had been eying and dreaming about for some time becomes available in your price range. Or perhaps a home with a pending sale becomes available again because the sale didn't go through.

For someone out there dating, don't settle for the person you're with now because you think you can't do better. If you feel 100 percent good about this person then great stay with it, but if you don't, then look around. Go out, mingle and see who you meet. Anyone we met during the Mercury RX or any job we considered, or any home we considered buying loses its luster now. It's time to consider all your options before making a decision. Mercury is now gathering speed in direct motion.

And since the first card, Contract is a Libra card, we could have trouble making decisions. Weigh the decisions with your heart and mind allowing the heart to make the final choice. Always choose with your heart and never over analyze a situation because then you allow ego to hold the reigns. If you allow ego to lead, you'll never feel satisfied with your choice and you'll sound like Mick Jagger whining about not getting satisfaction.  Attract what you truly desire from your heart.

If you're in Bellingham or visiting Bellingham, sign up for an in-person card reading. Also visit Whole Astrology, and Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living. I also give intuitive coaching sessions using available of tools. I help you to discover and play with your muse.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Divine Ducks

I adore water fowl so I'm including some birds that I photographed in Bellingham, Washington. First, we have a common mallard and his wife with her duck-like smirk. She's in love or maybe not, who knows. The second photo is of a cinnamon teal (the first and only one I've seen). I read that this bird migrates from the south to British Columbia for the summer months. I found the bird resting in a marsh near Whatcom Community College.

As a Totem Animal, ducks represent comfort and nurturing. The exude calm and peacefulness as well as, balancing emotions.

photo by Patricia Herlevi, All Rights Reserved 

photo by Patricia Herlevi, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Reading for Week beginning June 8, 2015

This week featuring:
Angel Tarot cards
by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine 

Reading by Patricia Herlevi

The Chariot/Archangel Metatron--For the beginning of the week we receive a big message because the first card is a Major Arcana card and the angel that comes up is Metatron. This card represents movement of some type, usually travel (short or long distance). The card also represents vehicles such as cars, planes, buses, or trains, but could also represent a boat, but not usually. Metatron represents teaching, children, and esoteric studies. So some of you could be traveling to teach in another town at the beginning of the week and some of you are traveling with children or students at this time. This is also a week of high school and college graduation with students moving on to the take phase of their lives. If you are a graduating student keep your perspectives in balance and don't look too far into the future. Best only to look at your next best step.

Since Mercury goes direct this week on the 11th (or 12th depending on where you are in the world), keeping your balance is required or it could feel like your diving a chariot with two wild horses. Also balance your yin and yang; feminine and masculine energies. This energy continues throughout the week.

Two of Earth comes up for the midweek.This energy poses contradictions because on one hand it's a stable earth energy card, but on the other hand, twos represent balancing of forces and again Mercury is wobbling or stationary this week as it shifts directions. This tells me that midweek could prove frustrating if you're running around trying to complete a long list of errands or multitasking in general. Don't use this part of the week to send communication of any kind or expect delays and frustrating moments with technology such as frozen screens and e-mail bouncing back (for no reason).

The High Priestess/Archangel Haniel--Here is our second Major Arcana card which represents the weekend. Now, with all the graduation ceremonies, travel, teaching out of town, or for teachers saying goodbye to their students until the next school year, it's time to go inward. If none of those scenarios apply to you (they don't to me either), then the High Priestess is still asking us to meditate and hone our intuitive skills now. Pay attention to nightly dreams and signs that come up through synchronicity. It's odd how we begin the week in the active mode and end it on a meditative note. This card also reminds us about slowing down, getting in touch with our emotions/feelings as well as, practicing self-care.

Well, there is your reading for this week. By the way, June 8, 2015 is represented by the number "4" which is about stability and getting grounded. You might wish to do some gardening this week or enjoyable work that helps you get grounded or you can hang out with my sister who has a Capricorn Sun/Taurus Moon (just joking).

Have an enchanting week.

Welcome to Divine Divas

As much as I enjoy astrology, I also enjoy giving oracle card readings. I've developed an addiction to the oracle card readers on YouTube and thought, hey, why don't I create my own blog?

I launched the blog on my Weebly website and then decided to move the readings to Blogger so I can attract followers and keep track of the traffic. But other than that, I enjoy working with templates and being able to upload videos on the blog. So voila!

And since many of you have complimented my photographs, I'll include those here too.

Have an enchanting day.