Saturday, August 29, 2015

Oracle Card Reading for the Week Beginning August 31, 2015

Featured Card Deck
Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
Doreen Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi

The three cards I pulled for this coming week focus on sound healing and music therapy. This does not mean we must take sound healing workshops or visit a sound healer, but if we have the resources to do so, this exploration will pay off with stronger and more vibrant health. Although August looked like a lazy month on the surface, many of us faced challenges that left us feeling burned out. Perhaps, your experiences were similar to my own where I actually experienced a rebirth and renewal period, though a bit hairy at times. I know this week's reading refers to me in a strong way. This reading also bodes well for the Pisces Full Moon over the previous weekend (August 29-30).

You're Being Helped comes up for the beginning of the week. I see a woman surfing the internet and spending time on YouTube. She had been praying earlier about a reoccurring problem that has left her with chronic health problems. She stumbles upon sound healing videos mainly Solfeggio scales and reiki treatments embedded in music. Then this leads to listening to classical music, Gregorian chant, and other music known to heal our mind body and souls.

Heaven and the angels help us in numerous ways and yes, they do lead us by the nose when we visit the internet. Angels use every tool at their disposal, especially music and synchronicity. The right sound vibrations raise our frequency which brings up blocks to the surface for us to heal and move on to the next plateau. It's never too late to discover sound healing and or music therapies.

Tranquility comes up for mid-week and this tells me to work with sound vibrations along with doing cleansing work. The directions Doreen Virtue gives us with this card is to fill a tub with salt water and essential oils and soak off the psychic debris that has accumulated. She suggests lighting a white candle which absorbs energies too, but I would also recommend adding soothing music or even inspirational music and do a bit of daydreaming in the process. This will cause desires to surface which you can later manifest.

Music for Manifesting comes up for the weekend. So by the end of the week we feel supported, cleansed, and ready to manifest the next adventure in our lives. Again, we turn to music, but now we sing, dance, and play music to enhance the meditation process. We make up songs in which we include our manifestation or affirmations for paving the way. We can also chant, drum, or use other types of musical rituals to charge up our manifestation body. Surround yourself with high vibrational music. If you want to know what that is, I suggest you visit my blog Whole Music Experience.

Have a lovely week full of harmony and sweet melodies.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Weekly Oracle Card Reading Beginning August 24, 2015

Featured Card Deck
Indigo Angel Cards
By Doreen & Charles Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

This week we experience how other people and life situations affect our health and how we can take back our personal power and heal ourselves. The main archangels for this week are Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Michael asks us to cut cords to negative patterns and people (those who lead us astray from our true god selves). Raphael asks us to look at stress levels, toxic people, toxic behaviors, and diet. Finally, Gabriel asks us to speak and live our truths which means that we stop asking the outer world for advice and turn inward to our own wisdom or as Kryon calls it, "innate intelligence."

Now, this doesn't mean that you can't watch inspirational videos or stick your nose into self-help books, but to take that information and apply it to your life in an authentic way. Maybe you can create synergy from different practices and transmute your current circumstances through these teachings. But practice honesty on whether or not this information is actually helping you. And while you're at it, even though it's tempting to share your resources with others, refrain from doing so. This week allow the focus to be on your own healing and allow others the space to do their own thing. The best way to heal the planet is by healing yourself. Okay, so let's look at the weekly cards.

Think About It comes up first. On this card we have an angel wearing a white gown and standing in front of a snowy background. The card recalls the dead of winter or a time when we feel frozen out, but still enchanted by the life that is happening around us. Even though the card resembles an ice palace, there is warmth radiating from it. This is a time of contemplation and stillness. Are you living out your values and beliefs or other people's values to please them? When we give ourselves away, other people suck our energy and leave us feeling sick and exhausted. If you find this is the case, take some time to discover your true self and ask your soul how it wants to spend this week.

Shielding comes up for the entire week. As you do your personal work, you must keep other people and their influences out of your space. You will feel raw and vulnerable this week as you try out new ways of being in the world. Some people won't approve and they will knock you off your path intentionally. Do not give people the benefit of the doubt this week nor entertain paranoia about how others react towards you. Just ask Michael and the other angels to shield you and claim your space for personal and spiritual growth. This is after all, your life to live.

Learn Something New comes up for the middle of the week. Now, normally this would be about taking on a new subject, delving into research through books and videos or workshops. But this week this card is telling us to go inward and learn from the wise teacher that guides us. Turn to God and the angels, but mostly turn towards your innate intelligence and stay open to what comes through.

So often we disregard our wisdom in favor of authors or teachers because we feel that we lack credentials and they're the experts. However, they're not experts on your life or your personal path. Don't discount your own inner knowing because it is just as valid as the information coming from someone with academic letters after their name or labeled a "New York Times Best-Selling Author." In fact, only you know what's best for you so listen inward.

Health comes up for the weekend but also look to this energy for the entire week. As you shield yourself, learn new information, and get to know what works and doesn't work for you, you reclaim your health. You might eliminate certain foods from your diet, not because someone tells you that they are bad for your health, but because your own body guides you to a healthier diet. And remember that some foods that are harmful for one person are healthy for another. This does not include GMO or corn syrup, but green grasses and coconut come to mind. For instance, even though we're told that coconut is good for us, it isn't good for everyone, and ditto for green grasses. Listen to your own body's wisdom and it will tell you the perfect diet for you that leaves you rebounding with health.

I'm ending the reading at this point since I want you to contemplate the messages on the cards through your own interpretations.  Have a lovely week. The Pisces Full Moon is on the way.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Oracle Card Reading for Week Beginning August 17

Featured Card Deck
Indigo Angel deck
By Doreen and Charles Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

Since I'm dealing with emotional DNA issues, patterns, and beliefs now, I almost decided not to do a reading this week, but then after seeing the cards, I realized that other people require comfort now too. While I thought August was going to go smoothly and prepare us for the eclipses in September, I'm picking up painful energy in which many of us are having to confront unworkable patterns and beliefs that we previously swept under the rug. Universal energies are asking us to deal with these issues now as they prepare us for better times ahead and want us to lighten our burdens.

Events that happen now challenge us to our cores and for some of you this feels like an initiation process or a shedding of old skin before the new skin as emerged. We're all feeling vulnerable and raw, at least those of you who have found this blog post and card reading. Think of the tree shedding its leaves in the fall months. The tree has to let go, surrender to the cold, and live in the knowledge that new leaves will appear six months later. And we too are asked to trust in a higher power this week whatever that is for you.

Trust comes up at the beginning of the week which suggests we first must develop trust in a higher intelligence or in other people around us. Often, we have a hard time trusting others because people have let us down in the past. Or we can't trust ourselves because we feel that we have made too many mistakes or act compulsively in ways that sabotage our best efforts. We have been abused, neglected, or abandoned leading us to believe in a God who doesn't have time for us and our endeavors because God has more important things to do or more important business with other people. Not true. We could also have a trust issue with God and this week we heal whatever stands in the way between God and us.

Remember that you are worthy of your desires. You are a valuable contribution to the earth experience. So develop trust this week and open your heart to the wisdom that we're not given any desire that we can't manifest in some way, but hopefully in a way that serves the highest good.

Pray comes up for the middle of the week. So once we develop trust, even a little trust, we write down or imagine what we truly desire. Then we formulate that desire into an affirmative prayer--which is basically an affirmation that ends with thank you God or whatever name you choose to say. And not only that, visualize what you desire to manifest to the point where you feel it in your entire being as if it has already manifested. You can even pray to angels to help you with this process because it's actually challenging.

Acceptance comes up for the weekend. So you gained your own trust, prayed for your desire, whatever that is, and now you accept what the Universe delivers. Remember to ask for your desire for the highest good of all concerned or something better manifest for me. Let me tell you a story which is also a warning in disguise. Many years ago when I was moving to a new town, I suffered from lack and limitation in regard to housing. I saw an apartment in a Victorian building for rent. And I when I did my manifestation exercises and did not say for highest and best or perhaps I left out or something better manifest for me part. I only focused on that one building even though God kept sending me warning signs.

I ended up with a moldy and toxic apartment a half a block away from train tracks where coal trains rumbled past every other hour, lasting over 20 minutes each time. And since that time I have become a better listener and developed trust that God knows best and micromanaging a prayer does not serve my best interest. Yes, it's going to be that type of week.

I'm pulling an extra Indigo Angel card, Archangel Michael. If you don't feel comfortable praying to God, pray to Archangel Michael for protection and guidance this week. Ask him to shield you and lead you in the right direction. You can also pray to Michael in addition to praying to God. It all works. You can also pray to Michael to support you as you let go of situations and people that no longer serve you. Michael will cut cords for you if you ask.

I wish you a week of comfort and support. May the angels light your way this week and beyond.

Reading by Patricia Herlevi on August 15, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Oracle Reading for the Week Beginning August 10, 2015

Featured Card Deck
Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
by Doreen Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

I swear that I shuffled the deck, but we have two returning cards this week. We had the faith card in last week's reading, but the guides are telling us to continue to have faith as the week progresses. As I am writing this, these cards apply to me too. My landlord recently gave me notice to vacate an apartment that will no longer be on the housing market. This took place on the anniversary of when I gave up an apartment last year and was out of a home for three and half months. So I also am taking the messages of the cards as a personal one.

I suggests we play the game, "wonder if" instead of the usual "what if". Let's treat our current life circumstances as an adventure and like an adventure hero or heroine, we don't know what lies beyond the next corner and we are the ones who shape our reality or at least how we choose to perceive it. I'm reminded of that Italian movie, Life is Beautiful which took place during Hitler's reign and involved a Jewish man and his small son who ended up in a concentration camp and the father did his best to make life fun for his son. While we won't end up in such dire situations this week as the characters in the movie, the cards this week are telling us to change our perception. Granted, I hope we don't end up sobbing like I did when I watched that movie, but if we do, tears are cleansing.

Make a Wish comes up for the beginning of the week so no matter what your circumstances are, make a wish and know that you can manifest your desires. Remember that there are 7+ billion realities on the planet and you get to live out your own reality. You are the director and performer in your life movie. So what's it going to be for you? What words will you speak this week? Do you know that words contain vibrations which represent the tool of a creator? Once you make a wish make sure that your words, actions, and feelings match that wish. You have the power to change your life circumstances so use that power wisely.

Helpful Person comes up for the middle to the end of the week. This person can come to you out of the blue as an answer to a prayer, or through social media (which is most likely). Or you could pick up a magazine or other type of publication and read about an organization that specializes in your problem or concern. It's up to you to initiate contact. Ditto, if you are inspired to take a specific action follow through. I did that in recent months and now I have a literary agent representing one of my books and a business mentor that I work with who has helped me to follow through on my dreams. Helpful people can show up from anywhere at anytime. You're never alone. Ever.

Have Faith comes up for the weekend. You planted the seeds and followed through with inspired action. Helpful people have come on board and now you surrender to a higher consciousness. Have faith that its all working out for you and so it is. I also hear, have patience because pieces must be put in place before you can complete the puzzle. I also see two men playing a game of dominoes so the domino effect is at play here. I'm thinking of a story that a local musician shared the other day about how he was busking at a public market and needed to come up with rent money. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but then a miracle took place and people showed up out of the blue and donated more than enough money for the musician to cover his rent. This is the type of miracle you can expect this week. Have faith. 

I give in-person card readings in Bellingham, Washington. To schedule a reading sign up on the blog form.  Your patronage will assist me with moving costs at the end of this month so I hope you sign up for a reading and help both of us. Also check out my site Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living and check out my other services.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Totem Animal--Squirrel Scout of the Totems

Photo by Patricia Herlevi

If squirrel has a message for us it is, "Be prepared, but don't go nuts over it."And a dead squirrel omen would ask us to slow down, meditate on our lives and ask what's next? Am I prepared for the months ahead? Do I have enough food stored in the cupboard? Do I have too much stuff or am I lacking in some way? Another question, am I running around like a crazy squirrel and not accomplishing anything?  Do I work too hard? Do I find time for play?

The main diet for squirrels is nuts and acorns.  And in recent nutritional studies, researchers have found that eating nuts does not cause weight gain and in fact, nuts contain healthy fats, needed vitamins, protein, and micro nutrients. Nuts are also a good source of magnesium which calms the central nervous system, especially in people who worry too much or work too hard.  Squirrels will also eat seeds which also contain healthy fats and omega oils.  So when it comes to diet, squirrels have done their research!

Squirrels are quick, wily, and excellent climbers.  They can leap from ledges to roofs or branches to roofs with ease and grace. They use their large and fluffy tails to keep them balanced.  They are also intelligent and have proven advanced cognitive abilities (and actually, rodents are smart in general).  They think on their feet and have survived urban sprawl while adapting to new situations quickly and adeptly.  If Squirrel is your totem, then you share some of these traits.  You are also cautious, resourceful and plan head.

I learned recently that squirrels also predict a cold winter when they build their nests high up in trees.  But I go with the amount of weight they gain as well as the thickness of their fall coat when predicting winter weather.  My squirrel family in Seattle never let me down in this regard and in fact, I learned a lot from those squirrels by sharing a garden with them.  And well, I'm also nuts about nuts!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Oracle Reading for Week Beginning August 3, 2015

Look Around Because Help Has Arrived 

Featured Deck is Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
By Doreen Virtue
Hay House 

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

The overall feeling I have for this week revolves around prayer and help quickly arriving, but not in the way we imagined it would. I see a young woman praying for a partner to show up and she has preconceived ideas of how the partner will look, how he will act, and the partner's attributes. But someone else shows up and since this man doesn't fit her preconceived ideas, she dismisses the man and laments that her prayer was not answered.

Ditto I see a man who prays for a new job. He's been out of work for a long time and has prayed for a long time and several times he has received invitations for a job, but since this position didn't fit in with his limited thinking (the man lacks confidence and feels he's undeserving), he too believes that his prayers went unheard.

So this week, open your minds and hearts while letting go of micromanaging your prayers and God. Don't give the angels a set of directions of how you want your dreams to turn up. That's like telling the chef how to cook your meal in a 5 Star restaurant. Now, the chef of course has an ego and angels don't have egos, but you get the point. Angels know what's best for us and lead us in the right direction, but only if we have ears to listen and eyes to see.

So on Monday and Tuesday the message is Pay Attention. This includes watching for signs such as animal omens, angel feathers, master numbers, and following the flow of synchronicity. Pay attention to your dreams and even daydreams. Pay attention to advise from your friends or even conversations you overhear or messages on billboards or ads that pop up on YouTube or songs you weren't expecting and even the behavior of others. Pay attention to projections and shadows. Your prayers will receive responses quickly and in some cases, instantly, but it is up to you to receive the blessings that arrive or open the door that is in front of you and to go through it.

For Wednesday and Thursday, Have Faith comes up and this goes with the first card. In fact, all the card energies build upon each other. So first we pray, then we stay open and pay attention. During this process we keep the faith that our prayers have been heard, even if we are in the midst of struggling or in pain. Help is on the way so have faith, even a little faith. Refrain from cynicism or reflecting on past experiences that did not pan out the way you had hoped. This is now and life has changed dramatically on the planet. Have faith that love is here for you now in whatever way it shows up. Could even be a stray shaggy dog showing up on your doorstep or a child giving you a flower. These are all messages from angels.

By the end of the week, a Helpful Person shows up. And yes, this person is the answer to your prayers but don't expect him or her to do all the work for you. This person will give you tools or advice knowing that you have the wherewithal to see it through. Please don't dismiss this person's ideas and tools saying that you have already done that in the past and it didn't work. And listen more than talk since you don't have the answers and this person does. If you had the answers already, you wouldn't be praying for help. So stay humble and allow yourself to receive. I know we all have trouble with this one.

The final card is Morning Affirmations, but you can say affirmations any time of day and in fact, they work best when we say them several times a day. Remember to affirm that what you desire has already happened and for the Highest Good of All. Affirm that you are valuable. Affirm that you are strong and healthy. Affirm that you are fearless and affirm that you are loveable. Affirmations work best when we say them while we are already in a good mood and to say them three times with passion. You really want to feel those energies as if they have already occurred and then thank the Universe for delivering.

If you would like a personal reading, sign up by contacting me on the blog contact form.. First read about fees and services at Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living. Also if you are a card designer and would like your deck reviewed please contact me. And if you would like to contribute a question for the week that will be read universally, send me your question. Thank you.