Saturday, July 25, 2015

Weekly Oracle Reading for Week Beginning July 27--Integrating Spiritual Gifts

Featured Cards
Angel Tarot 
By Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

This week I'm picking up on young adults and teens, even children who have extraordinary gifts working with the spirit realm, especially nature and animal spirits but have shut those abilities down through the intellectual process. I'm hearing the words, "intellectual repression," and these children and young adults have a difficult time conceiving of magic or enchantment. Some of them are afraid of magic due to religious upbringing or past lives where they were persecuted for magical gifts (this includes healing gifts). The cards for the week are: Page of Air, 4 of Air, 7 of Water, and Queen of Air. I include 3 feathers from a Stellar Jay and 1 quartz crystal to signify nature.

I am seeing an image of a young initiate around 12 or 13 years of age studying with a Medicine Man of a Southwest American tribe. I also see images of young girls sitting at the feet of a Medicine woman elder and learning the secrets of their tribe as they prepare for an initiation or just after completing the process. Now, I'm told these events happened during past lives, but ones closer to the time we currently reside. These gifts are currently clouded by wounds and other people's strong beliefs. Healing must take place now to unleash these gifts which the planet could badly use during this Shift.

Now, for those of you who are well beyond your youth, I'm reading the cards in one of two ways for you. Since this is a general reading and I am still picking up on individual energies, I hope that you will also read these cards for yourself and see what comes up personally for you. You are either a teacher of wisdom but over intellectualize spiritual understanding that you must absorb in your heart so you can release its full potential onto the planet. Or you are like the youth in that you have spiritual gifts that you over analyze and dismiss as "unreal" or "insanity" or you just don't want to deal with these gifts.

If you look at the first card, The Page of Air, it contains animal spirits on it. This means that you are ignoring animal omens and your connection with animals. Perhaps you are an animal or plant whisperer but since no one in your current family does this sort of thing, you feel ashamed of it. You long to be normal, but you're not because you have these gifts and the animal and plant kingdoms reach out to you. You are also sensitive in a world that doesn't recognize sensitive people. Since you long to fit in and get on with the usual program, you do your best to fit in and don't understand why your life never seems to work out the way you want it to. You have plenty of intellectual power but it does more harm to you than good.

The two cards in the middle, 4 of Air and 7 of Water are asking you to drop out of society for a brief time, a day or a week. Go on a spiritual retreat that teaches shamanism but use discernment because there are a lot of fake shamans out there teaching expensive workshops that could lead you astray. Also stay away from ingesting any plant substances unless this is your true calling. One, it's illegal if you're not aboriginal or indigenous, and two, you don't require this powerful medicine and in fact, you could blow your mind circuits which would not be a good thing. Pay attention to your dreams, both waking and sleeping dreams.

The other option is to study with a shaman to learn journeying as well as, learning how to play drums. You could go on a spiritual retreat in the natural world and use that time to connect to your animal spirits and other spirit guides. And if a retreat isn't possible then at least use this week to meditate or begin a meditation practice that involves nature. Make sure you ground yourself into the core of Mother Earth and ask the Archangels for shielding so you don't invite unwanted energies into your space and life. In the least, pick up a book such as Ted Andrews Animal Speak or even Animal Wise and read about animal spirits. The author offers suggestions of rituals and meditations in his books.

The final card, Queen of Air either suggests a teacher of spiritual secrets or refers back to a statement I made earlier about adults over analyzing spiritual experiences and not integrating spirit into their heart. I see this card as actually representing women who have suffered a great deal and learned to internalize or suppress their feminine nature. They act like men living in a man's world. These women are shut off from the Divine Feminine yet discuss spiritual feminism on an intellectual level. They are not walking their talk, but talking a lot. Yet, they still act like men, argue, debate, and chase after their desires not understanding the concept of reflection and attraction.

If this is referring to you, find the most feminine or even domestic women you know and hang around them this week. Go buy a frilly dress, even second hand at a thrift store. Wear a skirt, sit on the earth and ground yourself in Mother Earth or Gaia. Garden and cook foods from a garden or go meditate in the woods. Try to sing in your head voice and call on Mother Mary or another female Ascended Master for guidance. Read about goddesses, but allow yourself to feel emotions instead of memorizing the goddess' attributes. Nurture children or animals. That would bring deep healing to you now. I have one last image of women baking bread, not alone but with other women. Communities of women activities go well now.

This ends my reading for the week beginning July 27, 2015. If you would like a personal reading with me, I give in-person readings at the Book Fare Cafe in Bellingham, Washington every Thursday or by appointment. Sign up on the form on the right side of the blog.  Have a magical week.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Who is Your Totem Animal? Time to find out.

No longer available 

Giving $10 totem animal readings (15 minute sessions) at Book Fare Cafe this Thursday, 2 to 3 p.m. Since totem animal readings are usually popular, I suggests making an appointment. I normally charge $40 and up for totem animal reads.

What to expect in a session:

You ask a question or give me a general idea of the area you wish to look at. I shuffle the cards and pull one to three totem animals then give you information about how those energies work upon your life or guide you on your path.

You can take a photo of the card(s) and definitely bring a pad an pen to take notes or record the reading on your phone.

Sign up on the form on the right side of the blog. I'll only be giving readings for an hour so I can only take four readings during that time. Please show up 10 minutes early, order a tea or coffee & relax.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Poetry--Spiritual Awakening (from the 1990s)

photo by Patricia Herlevi

(Now I understand)
By Patricia Herlevi 

See my pain, shining to you
Like a beacon.
Now locate it, rub it out.
See my light shining brighter
As you remove illusions from my eyes.

The dreams appear in vivid colors.
We are together, laughing,
Our tearstain faces staring at the sun.
Tears that glisten like diamonds
And sparkle as they dry on our lashes.

We smile victoriously for we
Reached out and found
Our own hands to guide us.
We no longer need the darkness
To teach us.  We know
Who we have already been.

We claim our birthrights, stars,
Galaxies, more than we could ever
Imagine.  I feel my energy
Pulsating, my fires burn
Like the sun we once kissed.

We shoot over the horizon
While others make wishes
On our ghosts.
For we are a million light years
From where we began.

All Rights Reserved from the manuscript "Encantada"

Totem Animal--Deer

Deer Totem


Associated with Buddha and Saint Francis of Assisi, I refer to Deer as the Totem of Buddhas and Saints.  This gentle and patient creature also teaches us about forgiveness and compassion.

I have seen deer race across streets, but I have also seen deer taking their time to cross the street while glancing at the waiting cars and people with cameras who snap pictures of the deer.  A deer nonchalantly walking across a crosswalk in Coupville, Washington floored me. I'm the one who was nearly run over by a car (well, I'm exaggerating, but I did stop in the middle of the street to watch the deer).

It's true I saw the movie Bambi as a child and so the deer impression goes deep with me.  I also come from a family where half my heritage is Finnish and many of those relatives have been known to hunt deer, something I could never do.  My earliest memories of deer took place on camping trips where the deer would quietly walk into the camp looking for handouts.  My most recent experiences revolve around urban deer which surprise me, such as in the photograph I include here.  This deer showed up with her family to munch on the flowers and hedges of a nearby home.

If Deer is your Totem, you tread lightly in the world, play around with visibility,  prefer a vegetarian diet and people would refer to you as patient and gentle.  Most likely you are an introvert but one who enjoys a walk in the woods and feel enchanted by the natural world as if you live in a faerie tale.  Like Owl, Fox, Wolf and Bear, Deer is also a mythological and legendary animal.  Follow a deer's trail and you might just end up in a wordless space where all worlds come together as One.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Oracle Read for the Week Beginning July 20, 2015 (moderation does the trick)

Featured Card Deck
Angel Tarot Cards
By Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine 
Hay House 

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

Today I'm reading from Doreen Virtue/Radleigh Valentine's Angel Tarot cards. And again, I'm reading the cards as an entire energy but feel free to use the first card for the first part of the week, the second card for the middle of the week and the final card for the weekend, if that feels right for you.

Right off we're starting off with a Major Arcana or "power" card so the message of this card trumps the two Minor Arcana cards that appear in the reading. Archangel Zadkiel and Balance brings us the message of moderation.

I have a strong image of a person (a woman) who has been looking for employment for a long time and she is invited to lunch by an employer who plans on interviewing her at the lunch. This woman doesn't realize that ordering an alcoholic drink or not using discretion will lose her the job. This would be a mistake since she is currently the top candidate for this position.

I also see an image of a man who is nervous and going on a first date after a long dry spell. He's incredibly attracted to the woman, but has a problem with drinking to mask his nervousness. Alcohol he believes gives him confidence and makes him more charming. Big mistake because the woman he's about to date frowns on men who drink. But how can this man know this bit of information since most people around him drink, party, and live the local brewery lifestyle? In fact, the media promotes this lifestyle and economies thrive on it, but taking this particular date to that scene is not going to win this man any points. Try a movie and a walk in the park instead. Get to know the woman you're dating when you're sober and then you'll find you don't require any type of mask to be in a relationship with her.

For those of you starting a new relationship or looking for one as well as, those of you looking for employment or starting a new job, refrain from the alcohol and other intoxicants. The significant other will not think highly of your escape routes and the employer is more savvy than you think, even checking you out on social media. Now, this message I'm told is only for a minority of people who will read this message at some point, not just this week.

For other people reading this message it's about practicing moderation around work, play, family verses work, food, and other areas of your life. You'll know which part of your life is out of balance and how to fix it if you pay attention and tune into your heart's wisdom. I see someone also spending too much money on luxuries and not enough time with loved ones where the real treasures lie.

Here are the cards:

Archangel Zadkiel/Balance--This card is equivalent to the Temperance card of the Tarot deck and the Zodiac correspondent I believe is Sagittarius. It is also known for moderation including food, drink, and everything else we find desirable, fun, or offers an escape from the mundane.

As I mentioned earlier, this card also refers to over consumption of alcohol mainly or drinking under the wrong circumstances. For example if an employer asks you out to lunch for an interview, refrain from ordering anything alcoholic. Act frugal in what you eat and drink and use discernment or you won't land the job. Don't let your guard down completely since interviews are used as stress and personality tests and not a friendly time to chat or let it all hang out. Someone out there requires this message.

Ace of Water--Here the card is coming up as an invitation to a new relationship. Since it's an Ace card you have not met this person yet or just met him or her and usually at a social gathering, but not always. As you fall in love, remember to use your spiritual tools of discernment and compassion. Listen rather than do all the talking and listen between the lines as well as, listen to your heart. Be honest and act authentic and this situation could develop into a meaningful and heartfelt partnership. Water represents emotions and since it comes up with the Balance card balance your emotions and detach or see your situation as a journey or adventure. You don't know the destination yet.

Ace of Earth--When practicing moderation, all things are possible such as lucrative contracts coming in, more clients, and anyone starting a business during this week will do quite well for themselves if they keep everything, including spending in balance. You are planting a seed now and make sure you do this in fertile soil that you have tilled with your passion and hard work. If this card refers to manifestation then till your soil with positive affirmations and positive beliefs.

There are no guarantees in life, but practice moderation in all your endeavors and success is more likely than failure. If you do fail, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and try a new approach.

I give oracle card reads every Thursday in Bellingham, Washington. If you'll be in town that day or live in the area, schedule an appointment with me on the form on this blog. All in-person payments are in cash and I charge $20 per 15 minutes.

I am also open to your questions which I can include as a Universal weekly reading on this blog. Please use the contact form to send me your questions

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Totem Animal for the Week: Snake-Regeneration, Transformation & Shedding the Old

Ruled by the planet Pluto, Snake Totem represents shedding old lives, regeneration, rebirth, death and transformation.  Snake is ruled by Scorpio.

People with Snake Totem tend possess a hypnotic quality which they use for good or evil, easily swaying people to the Snake Totem's desire.  Snake Totem people also make good psychologists especially working with patients undergoing transitions or rites of passage.

We can also call upon Snake Totem when we are in the process of shedding an old life.  Remember that the shedding process takes time, leaves us feeling vulnerable, raw, and exposed to the world until our new skin forms.  Once the fog clears, we regain our power and live from a transformed mindset.

Professions that benefit from Snake Medicine:

Skin care specialists
Skin care product makers
Eye doctors
Leather workers
Medicine people 

The question to ask now, "Are you comfortable living in your own skin?" 
Affirmation: I am, that I am comfortable living in my own skin. I am safe and all is well as I transform my life.

Reading for the Week Begining July 13, 2015

Featured Deck
Medicine Cards
By Jamie Sams and David Carson 

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

Yesterday morning the animal spirits also known as totems asked me to work with them again. I was participating in a neighborhood art walk where I planned to give angel card readings and the animals told me to bring a worn medicine card deck that I have neglected since discovering oracle cards. And you know what? The animals are on to something because I was actually turning people away for the first time because I couldn't fit in the readings. So for this week, I'm pulling in the animals, 7 directions, and whatever else crops up as I type the reading.

Please make a note that the animals come up in a Universal Reading which means that this information applies to everyone in individual ways. This means that I give a general reading and the animal spirits will communicate with your personal totems to personalize the reading for you. The key is to listen with your heart and not your brain which will over analyze. I also want you to combine this reading with the Cancer New Moon coming up this week which is intense with 4 planets in Cancer (Mars, Mercury, Sun and Moon), squaring Uranus (planet of breakthroughs, sudden events, revolutions and innovations) and opposing Pluto (transformation, birth, death, rebirth). It wouldn't hurt to seek a session with an astrologer for this new moon.

Lizard represents the North which is the place of dreams, manifestations and destiny or fate. North is where we are heading and Lizard represents the Dreamer of the Medicine Wheel or Animal Spirit Kingdom. He or she corresponds with the Zodiac Sign Pisces and the planet Neptune. Lizard tells us to find a warm place in the sun and soak up the rays of inspiration this week. Take time to day dream and to nap. We require distance and space from others this week, especially on the 15th and 16th so close the door, shut the world out and journey inwards.

Owl comes up in the East which represents new beginnings. The East is where the sun rises and so the East represents a new day, the New Moon, and a new cycle. Owl represents light in darkness so search for your inner light and the light in others this "dark" and "intense" week. Don't focus on the negative but if old patterns and beliefs come up, release them in the light, don't shun them or repress them because that causes more pain. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams. The first impression of your dream symbols is the right one. Don't over think now.

Jaguar comes up in the South which for me means South America and Latin American in general, including Mexico and I heard "Florida" and Jaguar represents the shaman as well as, how we wield our power in the world. We might find ourselves stalking our dreams and when I use the word stalking I'm not talking about creepy men and women who spy on others, but stalking energy that leads to reclaiming our personal power. Think Carlos Castaneda. We reclaim our power simply by not acting like a victim and taking full responsibility for our lives and decisions.

Porcupine represents the West. The West is where the Sun sets and represents death or the end of a cycle. Something in our lives is going and it's best to let it go and even have a playful approach to letting it go. Instead of buying into fear with "what if this or that happens?" Use "Wonder if and then fill in the blank." I learned that trick from Intuitive Coach Sonia Choquette. What would happen if you let go of an unworkable relationship? What would happen if you let go of a job you despise? That sort of thing. Allow yourself to dream and visualize the life you really want and not one that was designed for you by someone else.

Armadillo comes up as the Center. The Center represents the Zone or the Return to the Source. It's where we lose all sense of self. Armadillo says when we are in the Zone we are safe and protected. It's our heart-center so open your heart knowing that you are loved.

Skunk represents the Heavens or the Above. Demand respect from Spirit Ancestors and the Spirit Realm by acting with quiet dignity this week. Don't get into arguments or let other people's negativity bring you down. Simply walk away with your head held high knowing that you are a Divine Daughter or Son of the Source or God.

Eagle represents Below which is the Earth that we stand upon. The Eagle has landed bringing wisdom from the heavens or from behind the veil (as Kryon would put it). We learn about Star Seeds and astrological wisdom, but we take this wisdom and apply it to every day living. God is in the small stuff and God is in the mundane. We find the Divine in all things.

If you would like an astrology, totem animal, or oracle card read, sign up on the form on the right side of the blog. Payment for long distance reads is through cashier's checks or money orders drawn from a legitimate bank or post office.  More information is at Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Totem Divination: Meaning of Bees

Wikipedia under "Honey Bees"
(This post originally appeared on my Magical Animal blog on my Weebly site).

Yesterday a large bumblebee approached my kitchen window looking for entrance into my apartment.  The second thought that came to me was perhaps the Pleiadians have a message for me.  Usually when I see bees under unusual circumstances, I receive a message from the Pleiadians.

Who are the Pleiadians? A trip to YouTube will answer that question.  They are an ancient extraterrestrial race here on earth to help humanity raise their consciousness and enter the next phase of our collective evolution.  Sometimes when they're around I hear buzzing in my bedroom walls, I see images of bees or bees follow me when I go for a walk.  I've also stumbled upon videos of Pleiadians online or read a message on someone's blog referring to who I call The Bee People.

But sometimes a bee is just a bee.  For those of you who want to know more about Bee Totem, these are the busy workaholics of the totem world.  They carry the hive mentality and serve a higher order as drones or slaves.  They also spread the sweet nectar of life and remind us of the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Gardeners and farmers all have Bee Totem as do florists, beauticians and bakers, wedding planners, interior decorators, landscapers, beekeepers, and some types of healers.  Bee Totem people have a strong work ethic and tend to work for a system rather than work independently.  Even if they have their own business, it's still related to a collective concept. They choose to serve the greater good and put the greater good above personal interests as they go about sweetening the world and spreading joy.

Poetry: Encantada (Enchanted)

photo by Patricia Herlevi

Poem from my manuscript "Encantada"


The stars in the sky pulsate with rich life, a tapestry

Of organisms guiding us on the ocean which we cross over.

And on the other side, the absence of time greets us; spiritual beings,

Energy-like stars exploding into shards of light.

We reflect on what has been, but we must stop clinging to useless life jackets. 

Forgo the competition of our race.

We are the best and the bravest, the quickest, and the most intelligent. 

We’re perfect in divine essence so seek and you’ll find the love that you have been searching for within yourselves.

The wait has ended.  Open the door and venture inside.  Let go of the lost dreams and leave your nightmares on the doorstep. 

We are the trees, the flowers and the birds.

We are the mountains, the ocean as she licks our toes and

The fish as they swim downstream.

No more need for pain and suffering.  There is no discrimination on these shores.  No sands of time to age us.  No more lost souls since we are found and not forgotten.

Love, ceaseless love, never tiring love, Venus unravels our tired limbs. 

She coos, "Rest here, sleep here, dream here under the moon and the stars."

Such a sweet lullaby, so we ascend.

By Patricia Herlevi, All Rights Reserved (no copying permitted).

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Reading for Week Beginning July 6, 2015

Saints & Angels cards
By Doreen Virtue
Hay House

Reading by Patricia Herlevi

Ah, sleep, beautiful wonderful sleep. This is the message for the week. Take a siesta, take a nap, or chill out as some people like to say. We have a few astrological indicators too pointing in this direction. Mars in Cancer trines Neptune so we put our energy into dreaming or we're feeling exhausted from the Capricorn Full Moon on July 1 that we require rest. Dreaming helps us to recharge our batteries too, even daydreaming.

I heard a blog radio interview from 2012 with author Trevor Blake who mentioned that counter intuitive actions such as spending time connecting with nature and spending at least 20 minutes a day day dreaming leads to business success and prosperity. And this week, we know that we've already planted the seeds so we can locate the nearest hammock and take  breather. Just don't snore so loud that you frighten the crows.

We start out the week with a Pisces Moon trining the Cancer Sun, also early on Tuesday or late on Monday depending on where you are in the world, the Pisces Moon trines Saturn in Scorpio before it moves into fiery Aries. On Wednesday we experience the exact Mars-Neptune Trine as well as, Mercury leaving Gemini and moving into watery Cancer. Thursday the moon moves into lazy Taurus where it stays until mid-Saturday. So this is a restful week for the most part.

Now, let's get to the card reading. I'm reading the cards as a whole energy instead of having each card represent days of the week So the first card to appear is the Guardian Angel for Sleep. Here you have a hard working angel sneaking into the garden and having a snooze. She's hidden by hedges and near the rose bushes which for me represents self-love. This is also a summery card that represents an abundance because the angel rests in a manicured garden which probably has a fountain on the other side and a stately mansion on the grounds. This signifies to me to stop striving and living in the realm of lack and limitation. Stop and smell the roses.

Guardian Angel for Pause comes up next and she is also surrounded by flowers. She's dressed in lavender which relaxes us and helps us sleep better and dream more deeply. Pause and reflect on where your life is heading. Where would you like to go? What are your dreams at this time Are you moving in the right direction for manifesting those dreams? What words are you using now? Does something smell wrong? It's time to take some time for yourself, journal, daydream, or hang out in a garden taking deep breaths. If you have trouble falling asleep, try drinking lavender and chamomile tea or a few drops of lavender on your pillow.

Mother Mary comes up next representing Mother energy. This could refer to healing mother issues around self-worth and nurturing. Perhaps you grew up with a cold and detached mother or one who was too busy to tend to your needs. Perhaps she didn't even know how to nurture herself. Time to forgive the mother and learn how to nurture yourself. You can do this through prayers to Mother Mary or another Divine Feminine energy. You can do this through reading self-help books or taking a workshop. Cook yourself a nourishing meal or take yourself out for lunch. You might also want to spend time with your mother. I have an image of a woman or man handing over his mother issues to Mother Mary. Release is the key here. Hang out in a rose garden.

The final card is the Guardian Angel for Faith. Take a leap of faith Have faith that no matter what your life looks like now you will overcome your challenges. This card represents victory and knowing that everything is working out for you. Everything always works out for you because you are in the right place at the right time  So be it, and so it is.

Would you like a personal reading? I give personal readings at the Book Fare Cafe in Bellingham, Washington every Thursday (cash only). We can also make arrangements for a long-distance reading if you are in the US or Canada. Payment is through money orders or cashier's checks (US funds). Contact me through the form on the side of the blog to schedule a reading.