Saturday, June 27, 2015

Reading for Week Beginning June 29, 2015

Featured Deck
Indigo Angels
By Doreen & Charles Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi

The overall theme I am hearing for this week is to spend time with friends who uplift us because this also boosts our health and vitality. I'm thinking of a French movie I adore by Eric Rohmer called "The Green Ray" (English translation of the title), where the protagonist Delphine goes on a quest to find someone to take a holiday with her, but really what she's looking for is a new man to come into her life. Although people offer friendship to her, she chooses drama and self-pity, until she finally manifests a potential partner at the movie's conclusion, but even then, she's kind of gloomy.

This week with the Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and opposing the Sun and Mars, there will be a tendency or a temptation to join a pity party. Refrain from doing this and take a wide-angle view of your life and look at who is offering you friendship. After all, research studies claim that having human companionship leads to a longer and healthier life since loneliness causes inflammation and other health conditions. Friendship releases certain feel-good chemicals in the brain which affect the entire body and our sense of well-being.

So let's take a look at the cards:

Instead of reading the cards in a linear fashion, I'm going to string the energies together into one larger theme which is health and friendship.  Friendship comes up first in the reading and in fact this card fell out of the deck with the other two cards, face up. What I like about the card is that it features two women from different races thus reflecting on diversity. This tells me two things. One, like-minded people come in all colors and cultures and two, to spread the net out further, even on social media to find friends or people who you relate to which develops into friendship.

So often we judge other people by their religious or political affiliations and don't look beyond those attributes to the real person underneath. The saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover" applies here as does looking beyond labels. Someone could be conservative politically, but share a love of the arts or animals with you. You could have experienced similar childhoods or bond over a current passion or interest. And if you do find yourself in a diverse friendship, don't force your values on the other person or try to control them so that you feel safer. We all do this, but let's become mindful so we can change this behavior. Tell yourself that you are safe and also if you are strong in your values and beliefs then you would also feel secure enough not to allow other people's values to threaten you.

You Are Loved comes up next in the reading. Look around to see who is offering you friendship. This involves moving past your ego and its interpretation of friendship. Just because someone doesn't fit your ideal friend doesn't mean that he or she isn't a friend. Are you discounting someone because you have a grander ideal of what friendship looks like? Or do you feel undeserving of other people's kindness so you build a wall around yourself that keeps potential friendship or relationships out? And some friendships aren't as glamorous as the Hollywood versions, (they are less dramatic and more subtle). If you feel you're undeserving of friendship then find a coach or therapist to work with on this issue or check out self-help books on developing self-love.

The final card is Health and here we have an angel holding scales--a Libra reference. I'm guessing this is Archangel Raguel who represents harmony, balance, and justice. So overall, these cards suggests that we create balance in every area of our lives this week leading to better health. We take a look at how we block friendship from our lives. I watched Louise Hay's 1988 video on increasing prosperity in our lives and she talks about the various areas we could become impoverished including love and friendship. We could have a great job, lots of money in the bank, but if we don't have intimate relationships (not just romantic relationships), then we are impoverished in friendship. In the same video, Louise also mentions that there are billions of people on the planet so how is it that we are alone?

This week look around and see what type of friendships are on the offering. Check out people on social media by visiting their profiles and learning about who they are and noticing what you have in common. Strike up a conversation with someone on the bus, at a park, or at work (if you work outside of the home), and know that you are safe so you can let your defenses down this week. Also write out a list of your beliefs and values then take an honest look at them. Are those really your beliefs? Are they worth fighting for and pulling out defense mechanisms that just leave you feeling alone and on the edge. And finally, work on getting over the belief that you are so different that only one person in the world (a twin flame type) will understand you so in the meantime you shut everyone out. That's not what the Earth Walk is about. Reach out to someone and you'll be surprised where it leads. You aren't as strange as you imagine and someone nearby wants to love you, if only you would knock the wall down and fill in the mote.

Follow this blog and tell your friends. I give personal readings in Bellingham, Washington. If you would like me to address a certain area send me a question either as a comment or through the contact form on the right side of the blog. Thank you for your visits and have a blessed week.

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