Saturday, June 20, 2015

Oracle Card Reading for Week Beginning June 22, 2015

Archangel Oracle Cards
By Doreen Virtue
Reading by Patricia Herlevi

The overall energy I'm picking up is that we muster the courage to gaze deeply at the unworkable patterns and beliefs playing out below the radar in our lives. Archangel Ariel represents courage and also spending time in nature which comes up with the second half of this reading. Now, you can choose to view this reading as beginning of the week, middle of the week, and end of the week or as an overall theme for the entire week and weeks ahead depending on how strongly you resonate with the cards energy.

Archangel Ariel (Courage) comes up first and she is the lion or lioness heart in each of us. She is the one that brings us strength and courage, plus knowing when to act. She also represents the nature spirits so we find our strength aligning with Gaia or Mother Nature. And it takes courage to act as a spiritual warrior on the planet at this time. Remember we all have fear but it's how we deal with that fear that brings out the hero in us.

Archangel Jeremiel (Life Review) comes up for midweek if you choose to read the cards in a linear fashion. But combined with the courage card, I interpret this energy as mustering the courage to face our shadows and take responsibility for the choices we make. It's about taking a hard look at ourselves, both our beauty and our warts and see how we can improve upon our actions, beliefs, and commitments. It's a card also about what we truly value and aligning with those values. We are fortunate that we don't have to wait until death to go through this review and we can adjust and change so that we align with our true life purpose now.

Archangel Metatron (Prioritize) comes up for the final card and is a culmination of the last two cards in that now that we have delved into our subconscious, explored our shadows, and released outdated beliefs and patterns, we prioritize what's important and simplify our lives. We forgive to release old baggage and we start anew. And it is no coincidence that this reading comes up during the Solstice weekend because we are beginning a new season and a new planetary cycle with the Sun moving into Cancer this week along with Mars moving into Cancer. In fact, once we do this inner work, we see plenty of movement and growth occurring in the outer world. Get ready for some action on the home front.

Normally, I only read three cards, but five jumped out of the deck. The extra cards are Archangel Jophiel (Outdoors) and Archangel Gabriel (Nurturing) which tell me right away that getting out in nature whether that's working in a garden or visiting a park, or going for a hike, nurtures our inner child thus bringing us greater health and well-being. When the Sun moves into Cancer we will look at ways to nurture ourselves and I believe that natural remedies, flower essences, essential oils, sound therapy, and spending time in natural vibrations holds the key to good health.

Drink plenty of water, hang out near a body of water, and visualize waterfalls purifying and rejuvenating your body. Visualize the earth embracing you as if you are a child held by your cosmic mother. The earth supports us in ways we often take for granted, but this week especially with the Solstice launching the week, do a ceremony or ritual honoring the earth and her cycles.

If you're in Bellingham this Thursday or any Thursday, from 2 to 3 p.m. schedule an in-person oracle card reading on the form on the right side of the blog. Happy Solstice.

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