Saints & Angels cards
By Doreen Virtue
Hay House
Reading by Patricia Herlevi
Ah, sleep, beautiful wonderful sleep. This is the message for the week. Take a siesta, take a nap, or chill out as some people like to say. We have a few astrological indicators too pointing in this direction. Mars in Cancer trines Neptune so we put our energy into dreaming or we're feeling exhausted from the Capricorn Full Moon on July 1 that we require rest. Dreaming helps us to recharge our batteries too, even daydreaming.
I heard a blog radio interview from 2012 with author Trevor Blake who mentioned that counter intuitive actions such as spending time connecting with nature and spending at least 20 minutes a day day dreaming leads to business success and prosperity. And this week, we know that we've already planted the seeds so we can locate the nearest hammock and take breather. Just don't snore so loud that you frighten the crows.
We start out the week with a Pisces Moon trining the Cancer Sun, also early on Tuesday or late on Monday depending on where you are in the world, the Pisces Moon trines Saturn in Scorpio before it moves into fiery Aries. On Wednesday we experience the exact Mars-Neptune Trine as well as, Mercury leaving Gemini and moving into watery Cancer. Thursday the moon moves into lazy Taurus where it stays until mid-Saturday. So this is a restful week for the most part.
Now, let's get to the card reading. I'm reading the cards as a whole energy instead of having each card represent days of the week So the first card to appear is the Guardian Angel for Sleep. Here you have a hard working angel sneaking into the garden and having a snooze. She's hidden by hedges and near the rose bushes which for me represents self-love. This is also a summery card that represents an abundance because the angel rests in a manicured garden which probably has a fountain on the other side and a stately mansion on the grounds. This signifies to me to stop striving and living in the realm of lack and limitation. Stop and smell the roses.
Guardian Angel for Pause comes up next and she is also surrounded by flowers. She's dressed in lavender which relaxes us and helps us sleep better and dream more deeply. Pause and reflect on where your life is heading. Where would you like to go? What are your dreams at this time Are you moving in the right direction for manifesting those dreams? What words are you using now? Does something smell wrong? It's time to take some time for yourself, journal, daydream, or hang out in a garden taking deep breaths. If you have trouble falling asleep, try drinking lavender and chamomile tea or a few drops of lavender on your pillow.
Mother Mary comes up next representing Mother energy. This could refer to healing mother issues around self-worth and nurturing. Perhaps you grew up with a cold and detached mother or one who was too busy to tend to your needs. Perhaps she didn't even know how to nurture herself. Time to forgive the mother and learn how to nurture yourself. You can do this through prayers to Mother Mary or another Divine Feminine energy. You can do this through reading self-help books or taking a workshop. Cook yourself a nourishing meal or take yourself out for lunch. You might also want to spend time with your mother. I have an image of a woman or man handing over his mother issues to Mother Mary. Release is the key here. Hang out in a rose garden.
The final card is the Guardian Angel for Faith. Take a leap of faith Have faith that no matter what your life looks like now you will overcome your challenges. This card represents victory and knowing that everything is working out for you. Everything always works out for you because you are in the right place at the right time So be it, and so it is.
Would you like a personal reading? I give personal readings at the Book Fare Cafe in Bellingham, Washington every Thursday (cash only). We can also make arrangements for a long-distance reading if you are in the US or Canada. Payment is through money orders or cashier's checks (US funds). Contact me through the form on the side of the blog to schedule a reading.
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