Saturday, August 1, 2015

Oracle Reading for Week Beginning August 3, 2015

Look Around Because Help Has Arrived 

Featured Deck is Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
By Doreen Virtue
Hay House 

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

The overall feeling I have for this week revolves around prayer and help quickly arriving, but not in the way we imagined it would. I see a young woman praying for a partner to show up and she has preconceived ideas of how the partner will look, how he will act, and the partner's attributes. But someone else shows up and since this man doesn't fit her preconceived ideas, she dismisses the man and laments that her prayer was not answered.

Ditto I see a man who prays for a new job. He's been out of work for a long time and has prayed for a long time and several times he has received invitations for a job, but since this position didn't fit in with his limited thinking (the man lacks confidence and feels he's undeserving), he too believes that his prayers went unheard.

So this week, open your minds and hearts while letting go of micromanaging your prayers and God. Don't give the angels a set of directions of how you want your dreams to turn up. That's like telling the chef how to cook your meal in a 5 Star restaurant. Now, the chef of course has an ego and angels don't have egos, but you get the point. Angels know what's best for us and lead us in the right direction, but only if we have ears to listen and eyes to see.

So on Monday and Tuesday the message is Pay Attention. This includes watching for signs such as animal omens, angel feathers, master numbers, and following the flow of synchronicity. Pay attention to your dreams and even daydreams. Pay attention to advise from your friends or even conversations you overhear or messages on billboards or ads that pop up on YouTube or songs you weren't expecting and even the behavior of others. Pay attention to projections and shadows. Your prayers will receive responses quickly and in some cases, instantly, but it is up to you to receive the blessings that arrive or open the door that is in front of you and to go through it.

For Wednesday and Thursday, Have Faith comes up and this goes with the first card. In fact, all the card energies build upon each other. So first we pray, then we stay open and pay attention. During this process we keep the faith that our prayers have been heard, even if we are in the midst of struggling or in pain. Help is on the way so have faith, even a little faith. Refrain from cynicism or reflecting on past experiences that did not pan out the way you had hoped. This is now and life has changed dramatically on the planet. Have faith that love is here for you now in whatever way it shows up. Could even be a stray shaggy dog showing up on your doorstep or a child giving you a flower. These are all messages from angels.

By the end of the week, a Helpful Person shows up. And yes, this person is the answer to your prayers but don't expect him or her to do all the work for you. This person will give you tools or advice knowing that you have the wherewithal to see it through. Please don't dismiss this person's ideas and tools saying that you have already done that in the past and it didn't work. And listen more than talk since you don't have the answers and this person does. If you had the answers already, you wouldn't be praying for help. So stay humble and allow yourself to receive. I know we all have trouble with this one.

The final card is Morning Affirmations, but you can say affirmations any time of day and in fact, they work best when we say them several times a day. Remember to affirm that what you desire has already happened and for the Highest Good of All. Affirm that you are valuable. Affirm that you are strong and healthy. Affirm that you are fearless and affirm that you are loveable. Affirmations work best when we say them while we are already in a good mood and to say them three times with passion. You really want to feel those energies as if they have already occurred and then thank the Universe for delivering.

If you would like a personal reading, sign up by contacting me on the blog contact form.. First read about fees and services at Metaphysics 4 Everyday Living. Also if you are a card designer and would like your deck reviewed please contact me. And if you would like to contribute a question for the week that will be read universally, send me your question. Thank you.

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