Saturday, August 22, 2015

Weekly Oracle Card Reading Beginning August 24, 2015

Featured Card Deck
Indigo Angel Cards
By Doreen & Charles Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

This week we experience how other people and life situations affect our health and how we can take back our personal power and heal ourselves. The main archangels for this week are Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Michael asks us to cut cords to negative patterns and people (those who lead us astray from our true god selves). Raphael asks us to look at stress levels, toxic people, toxic behaviors, and diet. Finally, Gabriel asks us to speak and live our truths which means that we stop asking the outer world for advice and turn inward to our own wisdom or as Kryon calls it, "innate intelligence."

Now, this doesn't mean that you can't watch inspirational videos or stick your nose into self-help books, but to take that information and apply it to your life in an authentic way. Maybe you can create synergy from different practices and transmute your current circumstances through these teachings. But practice honesty on whether or not this information is actually helping you. And while you're at it, even though it's tempting to share your resources with others, refrain from doing so. This week allow the focus to be on your own healing and allow others the space to do their own thing. The best way to heal the planet is by healing yourself. Okay, so let's look at the weekly cards.

Think About It comes up first. On this card we have an angel wearing a white gown and standing in front of a snowy background. The card recalls the dead of winter or a time when we feel frozen out, but still enchanted by the life that is happening around us. Even though the card resembles an ice palace, there is warmth radiating from it. This is a time of contemplation and stillness. Are you living out your values and beliefs or other people's values to please them? When we give ourselves away, other people suck our energy and leave us feeling sick and exhausted. If you find this is the case, take some time to discover your true self and ask your soul how it wants to spend this week.

Shielding comes up for the entire week. As you do your personal work, you must keep other people and their influences out of your space. You will feel raw and vulnerable this week as you try out new ways of being in the world. Some people won't approve and they will knock you off your path intentionally. Do not give people the benefit of the doubt this week nor entertain paranoia about how others react towards you. Just ask Michael and the other angels to shield you and claim your space for personal and spiritual growth. This is after all, your life to live.

Learn Something New comes up for the middle of the week. Now, normally this would be about taking on a new subject, delving into research through books and videos or workshops. But this week this card is telling us to go inward and learn from the wise teacher that guides us. Turn to God and the angels, but mostly turn towards your innate intelligence and stay open to what comes through.

So often we disregard our wisdom in favor of authors or teachers because we feel that we lack credentials and they're the experts. However, they're not experts on your life or your personal path. Don't discount your own inner knowing because it is just as valid as the information coming from someone with academic letters after their name or labeled a "New York Times Best-Selling Author." In fact, only you know what's best for you so listen inward.

Health comes up for the weekend but also look to this energy for the entire week. As you shield yourself, learn new information, and get to know what works and doesn't work for you, you reclaim your health. You might eliminate certain foods from your diet, not because someone tells you that they are bad for your health, but because your own body guides you to a healthier diet. And remember that some foods that are harmful for one person are healthy for another. This does not include GMO or corn syrup, but green grasses and coconut come to mind. For instance, even though we're told that coconut is good for us, it isn't good for everyone, and ditto for green grasses. Listen to your own body's wisdom and it will tell you the perfect diet for you that leaves you rebounding with health.

I'm ending the reading at this point since I want you to contemplate the messages on the cards through your own interpretations.  Have a lovely week. The Pisces Full Moon is on the way.

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