Saturday, August 15, 2015

Oracle Card Reading for Week Beginning August 17

Featured Card Deck
Indigo Angel deck
By Doreen and Charles Virtue

Reading by Patricia Herlevi 

Since I'm dealing with emotional DNA issues, patterns, and beliefs now, I almost decided not to do a reading this week, but then after seeing the cards, I realized that other people require comfort now too. While I thought August was going to go smoothly and prepare us for the eclipses in September, I'm picking up painful energy in which many of us are having to confront unworkable patterns and beliefs that we previously swept under the rug. Universal energies are asking us to deal with these issues now as they prepare us for better times ahead and want us to lighten our burdens.

Events that happen now challenge us to our cores and for some of you this feels like an initiation process or a shedding of old skin before the new skin as emerged. We're all feeling vulnerable and raw, at least those of you who have found this blog post and card reading. Think of the tree shedding its leaves in the fall months. The tree has to let go, surrender to the cold, and live in the knowledge that new leaves will appear six months later. And we too are asked to trust in a higher power this week whatever that is for you.

Trust comes up at the beginning of the week which suggests we first must develop trust in a higher intelligence or in other people around us. Often, we have a hard time trusting others because people have let us down in the past. Or we can't trust ourselves because we feel that we have made too many mistakes or act compulsively in ways that sabotage our best efforts. We have been abused, neglected, or abandoned leading us to believe in a God who doesn't have time for us and our endeavors because God has more important things to do or more important business with other people. Not true. We could also have a trust issue with God and this week we heal whatever stands in the way between God and us.

Remember that you are worthy of your desires. You are a valuable contribution to the earth experience. So develop trust this week and open your heart to the wisdom that we're not given any desire that we can't manifest in some way, but hopefully in a way that serves the highest good.

Pray comes up for the middle of the week. So once we develop trust, even a little trust, we write down or imagine what we truly desire. Then we formulate that desire into an affirmative prayer--which is basically an affirmation that ends with thank you God or whatever name you choose to say. And not only that, visualize what you desire to manifest to the point where you feel it in your entire being as if it has already manifested. You can even pray to angels to help you with this process because it's actually challenging.

Acceptance comes up for the weekend. So you gained your own trust, prayed for your desire, whatever that is, and now you accept what the Universe delivers. Remember to ask for your desire for the highest good of all concerned or something better manifest for me. Let me tell you a story which is also a warning in disguise. Many years ago when I was moving to a new town, I suffered from lack and limitation in regard to housing. I saw an apartment in a Victorian building for rent. And I when I did my manifestation exercises and did not say for highest and best or perhaps I left out or something better manifest for me part. I only focused on that one building even though God kept sending me warning signs.

I ended up with a moldy and toxic apartment a half a block away from train tracks where coal trains rumbled past every other hour, lasting over 20 minutes each time. And since that time I have become a better listener and developed trust that God knows best and micromanaging a prayer does not serve my best interest. Yes, it's going to be that type of week.

I'm pulling an extra Indigo Angel card, Archangel Michael. If you don't feel comfortable praying to God, pray to Archangel Michael for protection and guidance this week. Ask him to shield you and lead you in the right direction. You can also pray to Michael in addition to praying to God. It all works. You can also pray to Michael to support you as you let go of situations and people that no longer serve you. Michael will cut cords for you if you ask.

I wish you a week of comfort and support. May the angels light your way this week and beyond.

Reading by Patricia Herlevi on August 15, 2015

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